Jesus is Coming
In a world where productivity is often equated with success, the phrase “Jesus is coming. Look busy” has become a humorous yet telling reflection of our collective mindset. Originating as a light-hearted jab at the pressures of work and authority, this saying highlights a pervasive issue: the obsession with appearing busy. But why do we need to look engaged constantly, and what impact does this have on our productivity? This blog post delves into the origins and implications of performative busyness, offering insights and strategies to help you focus on genuine productivity in a society that often values appearances over actual results.
Origin of the Phrase
Abound are the ideas on where this phrase is handled. There were claims that it originated from a very ancient joke of the Jews regarding a man who seemed to pray but was eating his lunch. When asked why he was pretending to pray, one story has it that a man replied, “I’m not praying; I’m just looking busy in case God comes by.” Some hold it originated in the Bible, Matthew 24:44: “So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.” Whatever the origin, recently, the phrase has found its way into modern culture as a humorous reminder that one should always be ready for the unexpected.
The Deeper Meaning
Externally, “Jesus is coming, look busy” sounds like some sort of wisecrack or light-hearted memo about always being ready for His second coming. However, there is a deeper meaning to these words.
It looks busy, productive, and essential; it reflects that we are doing something. It tells people we are not killing time; our minds are always on fulfilling tasks and responsibilities. More significantly, in light of Jesus’ return, it reminds us that we must always live with a purpose, as Jesus may return at any moment.
Living with Purpose
We Christians believe in the second coming of Jesus Christ. He is the heart of our faith and one of our hopes. Yet often, in our busy lives, we can forget this most basic truth.
The saying “Jesus is coming, look busy” can be viewed as a light jab to get us on track with our priorities—to live purposively. It tells us that our constant activity here on earth should be pointed toward the Kingdom of God, whether in works of service or in witness to spread the Good News, living our faith into the world daily.
In conclusion, “Jesus is coming, look busy” may have originated from a humorous statement. Still, for Christians, it has a more profound message: it brings to one’s mind the readiness of the coming Lord and the reason for living day-to-day. So the next time one sees it on a T-shirt or a bumper sticker, consider its meaning, allow oneself to be stirred, and live out his faith to the fullest. After all, Jesus is coming; let’s look busy. So let us heed the phrase and always live our life with intention, purpose, and in the service of God and His kingdom. When Jesus returns, we shall be proud to say that we weren’t just waiting around but working diligently to fulfil God’s will on earth. Are you ready for Christ’s return? Then let’s get busy!
Where did “Jesus is coming, look busy” come from?
It has been attributed to an old Jewish joke and a Bible verse. It is still debated.
What is the deeper meaning behind this phrase?
“Looking busy” suggests living with purpose and intentionality, always ready when Christ returns. It means that such awareness is heightened by not wasting time by focusing on our church duties and responsibilities.
How do we apply this in our lives?
We can use it as a reminder to constantly work toward building God’s kingdom on earth through acts of service, spreading the Gospel, and living out our faith in all aspects of life. It is a call to us to live purposefully and intentionally in every action so that when Christ returns, we will be found ready, watching, and “looking busy.” So let us remember to “look busy” and continue working at fulfilling God’s will on earth.
What is the significance of remembering Christ’s second coming?
We Christians believe in the promise of Jesus’ return and the hope that comes with it. Still, amidst all this hustle and bustle of life, this fundamental truth somehow fades into memory. It is a gentle reminder to refocus on our priorities—that Jesus could come back at any moment. The phrase reminds us to strive toward Jesus’ coming moment by moment and live out our faith in every respect.